
We all have (business) ideas, but what we lack is the courage to put them into practice

October 10, 2022
< 1 minute

Strategy | Business Models | Tech

We all have (business) ideas, but what we lack is the courage to put them into practice. Below is an email on how AirBnB started.


email from Joe Gebbia, 2007

Source: 📸 & 🔢: @techemails & AirBnB


Joe Gebbia, AirBnB co-founder, identified a simple business opportunity to make extra-money: a conference in San Francisco led to 100% hotel occupancy rate with no place where to accommodate all the guest; hence the email below.

Fast forward, here are some numbers from AirBnB in 2022:
* 6M. active listings worldwide as of March 31, 2022
* 100K. cities and towns with active Airbnb listings as of March 31, 2022
* 220+ countries and regions with Airbnb listings
* 1B+ Airbnb guest arrivals all-time
* 4M+ Hosts on Airbnb
* $150B+ earned by Hosts, all-time
* $68 bn market cap as 12 October 2022

It all started with an idea.

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