We all have (business) ideas, but what we lack is the courage to put them into practice. Below is an email on how AirBnB started.
Source: 📸 & 🔢: @techemails & AirBnB
Joe Gebbia, AirBnB co-founder, identified a simple business opportunity to make extra-money: a conference in San Francisco led to 100% hotel occupancy rate with no place where to accommodate all the guest; hence the email below.
Fast forward, here are some numbers from AirBnB in 2022:
* 6M. active listings worldwide as of March 31, 2022
* 100K. cities and towns with active Airbnb listings as of March 31, 2022
* 220+ countries and regions with Airbnb listings
* 1B+ Airbnb guest arrivals all-time
* 4M+ Hosts on Airbnb
* $150B+ earned by Hosts, all-time
* $68 bn market cap as 12 October 2022
It all started with an idea.