
Book launch

Business Strategies

Building Sustainable Models with Artificial Intelligence and Digital Platforms

Now available as ebook and hardback!

Generative AI: Understanding the Technology and Its Implications

📘 from Chapter III.1 of my book: Generative AI: Understanding the Technology and Its Implications Platforms define the eras of technology. Each step (e.g., mainframe, PC, internet, smartphone, and cloud) has rewritten the rules of business, creativity, and daily life. And now, we stand on the cusp of the next (...)

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No Wind? Row.

When the wind fails, excuses multiply. The stillness becomes the enemy, a reason to stop, to wait for something outside your control. But waiting is the easy way out. Progress isn’t a gift from the wind; it’s a decision to pick up the oars. “No wind? Row.” It’s the mantra (...)

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AI eats Social Media

AI eats Social Media AI is taking the wheel, guiding our digital lives. It’s not just about ranking posts anymore; it’s about predicting, generating, and shaping content tailored for you before you even know what you want. And the user? Less director, more passenger. From clicks to scrolls, taps to (...)

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Speed is the Secret Sauce

Speed is the Secret Sauce Things don’t really take time. The clock doesn’t lie, tasks are quick. What drags them out? Resistance. Hesitation. That inner dialogue convincing you there’s time to wait. But here’s the truth: “slow is fake.” It’s the illusion we wrap around fear and avoidance. If urgency (...)

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Customer Service in the Age of AI: from Transactional to Transformational

Customer Service in the Age of AI: from Transactional to Transformational It starts small,  with basic chatbots handling routine requests and apps offering self-service for the simplest tasks. Efficient, sure, but transactional. Then comes the upgrade: natural-language interactions and robotic process automation tackle slightly more complex journeys. Customers begin to (...)

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Network Effects aka “The dance between growth and control”

Platforms thrive on a delicate dance between attraction and extraction, cooperation and competition. Early in their lifecycle, platforms are magnets: i.e. pulling users, developers, and creators into their orbit with promises of value, ease, and opportunity. The goal? Build the network. Every new node strengthens the web, creating exponential growth. (...)

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AI – a Maximalist Vision

Photo: Lucas K / Unsplash.com The rapid evolution of o3-class AI models is nothing short of extraordinary. In just two months, we’ve gone from AI systems operating at a college level to those demonstrating PhD-level proficiency. The road the Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) has never be ...

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Read. Write. Get feedback. Think. Repeat.

One of the most underrated loops in personal growth is deceptively simple: read, write, get feedback, think, and repeat. It’s not a checklist; it’s a cycle. Each part feeds the next, compounding knowledge and sharpening your understanding of the world. This process isn’t linear - it’s recursive. ...

"What the dog saw"

What Gladwell perfectly described in his book is the “other” point of view that in the end astonishes the audience. “Hmmm, I should have thought of that” or a simple “this puts things into perspective”.